Key Takeaways from the COVID-19 Briefing Series Webinar with Prof. Keiji Fukuda - Feb 19, 2020

On February 19, AmCham hosted a webinar hosting Prof. Keiji Fukuda on Zoom. This is the Chamber’s first online (and complimentary) event under the COVID-19 series and was attended by many of those who worked from home. Below are some of our key takeaways if you miss it. For access to a complete version of the post-webinar write up, join AmCham as a member today!


  1. COVID-19 is not yet a global pandemic situation and it is premature to say we are nearing peak either. However, the coming 2-4 weeks are critical in light of data from China and community outbreaks in other countries.
  2. Social media poses to be the greatest challenge for medical professionals and governments worldwide to communicate effectively.
  3. There is no magic answer as to when business can resume normal life. The trend in the coming few weeks will tell whether we are out of the “danger zone”. 
  4. Respiratory droplets and person-to-person contact is the key medium of transmission. It is important to wash your hands and wear masks when you are unwell.

Information about our speakers

	Professor Keiji Fukuda


  Professor Keiji Fukuda
Director and Clinical Professor,
Division of Community Medicine and Public Health Practice at The School of Public Health

The University of Hong Kong
Jessica Bartlett


  Jessica Bartlett
Director, Financial Crime Legal – APAC